Our Programs & Services
S.W.A.T. programs and services are here to make a difference in the lives of the Survivors and families we encounter. The programs help survivors thrive to succeed and OVERCOME the obstacles Domestic Violence has caused in their lives.

S.W.A.T. Programs
S.W.A.T. programs are to educate the community on Domestic Violence and connect the community with community partners to bring prevention, education, and awareness.
S.W.A.T. Services
This program is for Offenders this program will hold you accountable for your actions, The 360 will have offenders looking at their actions, showing accountability for their actions and being trained how to maintain a healthy relationship, how to cope with anger, and still be held accountable for their own actions.
SAP is an online program that educate college age students on sexual assault. It helps students understand the issues of sexual assault and what is sexual assault.
One Devine is our Faith Based Leadership Training. Faith Based Leadership Training train
Churches Lay Members and Professionals educated on how to handle Domestic Violence. Educating them on what you should report to authorities.
Rebirth is a one-on-one coaching session to assist individuals of abuse restart their life. This is an 8-week one-on-one boot camp with extensive training once week for an hour to help you transform your life to be self-sufficient and take control of your life. These eight weeks will help to transform your life by providing training and opportunity to women and men leading them to increased prosperity. You must be willing to do the work! Are you ready for the REBIRTH!!
Creating a better you!
Developing Goals and ways to achieve them 2 short term & 1 long term goal.
Assist with Job Placement (updating resume, job placement, & mock interviews)
Strength Focused!!
Rebirth Outcome
Improved communication
Increased self-esteem/self-confidence
Improved work/life balance
Our youth outreach program engages the youth in their community building a community free of violence. Educating our youth on domestic violence and teen dating while helping them build their communities, schools, churches to be free of violence.
Our rescue team is available 24*7 to help. We help to develop a rescue plan and have pre-rescue procedures that we will make sure is taking care of prior to rescue.