Training & Workshops
Do you want to know more?
Do you want to help but don't know how?
Do you want to learn more about the ways domestic violence impacts and the survivors and others who live it with them?
Do you want to know what prevents survivors from getting the help they need? Do you want to know why they choose to stay?
Do you want to know how to support him or her in their decision to leave?
Survivors With A Testimony Inc can answer all of these questions and more!
Based on your specific needs, we can tailor a training for your workplace, industry, and/or clients. We’ve provided training curriculum for corporate groups, teachers, community members, and students.
We will work with you to create a training that best fits the needs of those you work to support. Our goal is to provide you with a more comprehensive understanding of the complexities of domestic violence so that you can best support survivors no matter man or woman.
Please contact Vernita Council-Howard at for more information!
Education & Training Options for Adults
Short Version DV 101 (30min – 1hr): Offering knowledge and skills on responding to intimate partner violence as it relates to both youth and adults.
DV 101 with Role Playing (45 min-2hrs): Behind the Scars: a role-playing activity for adult participants to experience what it’s like for a survivor to hide behind the scars and walk daily in
DV 101 Tailored (2 – 3hrs): On-site training tailored for your particular role, industry and service population with an opportunity to apply knowledge. Content covered may include warning signs, power and control, screening for domestic violence, how to help, safety planning and survivor rights and resources in your local area.
Healthy Youth Relationships 101 for Student Learners
Healthy Youth Relationships 101 (1hr): Prevention education for elementary school-aged youth on content such as anti-bullying, no name calling, making friends, and respecting differences.
Healthy Youth Relationships 101 (1hr): Prevention education for middle school-aged youth warning signs of dating violence, healthy and unhealthy relationship characteristics and setting boundaries.
Healthy Youth Relationships 101 with Role Playing (1.5 – 2hrs): SWAT YOUTH Standing with the Team-Teens and Dating Violence, a role-playing activity for any group of teens or young adults. Participants are assigned a character and move through the scenario by reading about interactions with their dating partner, family, friends, counselors, police and others.
Domestic Violence in Faith Based Community Workshop 101
DVFBC101 (3hr): On-site training, role-playing activity for adult participants what would happen with an opportunity to apply knowledge. Content covered may include warning signs, power and control, screening for domestic violence within your church, how to help, how to meet with dv survivor and the abuser, and resources within your local area and within their local area.